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William Bullin

Excellent read and video. Your discussion of a community as a crown was exceedingly valuable, The discussion might also lead on to a consideration of the suffering community and the mocking of Jesus as a usurper king seeking to snatch the crown. An argument that would have a bearing on the role of Pilate in a trial before Nero.

Have you ever considered that the hymn might have been an adaptation of a Jewish-Hellenistic in praise of the Patriarch, Joseph, read through the eyes of those who were familiar with the Wisdom of Solomon and the angelic metamorphosis described in Joseph and Aseneth, with its crossing cultural borders theology? On these lines of argument Joseph has an angelic doppelganger and both a human and heavenly presence. Joseph is humbled, highly exalted, renamed and every knee must bow before him. As Tiberias was in effect regent to Augustus, so Genesis implies Joseph was a regent to the ruler of Egypt. The concept of snatching, from this perspective, contrasts Joseph with Potiphar’s wife, as well as royal grasping for power. Joseph was seen as a ‘type’ of Christ by some early Church fathers, and the origins of the Scapegoat ritual on the Day of Atonement are linked to Jacob’s grief at receiving the kid goat stained coat from the brothers. Moreover, As a prisoner, both at the time of writing and in his imprisonment in Philippi, might reasonably have turned his heart-mind to Genesis, to Joseph and to a hymn concerning the suffering, exaltation and some understanding of a metamorphosis between the Angel of YHWH and the transformation of the crucified Jesus and his subsequent followers.

I am struggling to obtain a copy of Luke-Acts (1997) where I know you make specific reference to Joseph and to J & Aseneth. Is it out of print? Contra Cadbury, I think Acts was completed before Luke and they each grew from a pre Luke-Acts Scroll.


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